Look out, New Hampshire parents in the following school districts:

Madison School District
Hudson School District
Fall Mountain Regional School District
Milton School District

You’ve just won the federal lottery for additional EXPERIMENTATION on your children under a five-year, $24.5 million K-8 national education initiative called SWIFT (School-wide Integrated Framework for Transformation) Center funded by U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs in October 2012.


According to the SWIFT website’s “In the Classroom” section:

“A SWIFT classroom represents a diverse learning community. In a SWIFT classroom, ALL students are learning together and have the supports they need to fully participate in the general education curriculum. General educators, specialized educators, support staff, and family and community members work in tandem to differentiate instruction. For example, in a SWIFT classroom, you may witness a parent volunteer practicing sight words with a student, a general educator and a specialized educator leading differentiated small reading groups, a speech/language therapist working on reading vocabulary with another group of students, and classmates collaborating on a reading comprehension activity. In a SWIFT classroom, students are valued for their unique contributions to the learning community and educators have the support they need to successfully teach ALL students.”

We are confused. The things they are suggesting, according to the SWIFT website, is what OBE and Common Core have eradicated from the classrooms.