On Monday morning from 6 to 7AM, Richard Girard will be interviewing Joy Pullmann of the Heartland Institute on his radio show ‘Girard at Large’. Joy’s an expert the data collection under Common Core and that will be the focus of the interview.

Dr. James Milgram, the Mathematician who refused to validate the Common Core Math standards will be on Thursday morning from 8 to 9.

Here are the archived interviews from his show:

Mike Petrilli from the Fordham Institute in favor of Common Core: http://www.girardatlarge.com/2013/07/debate-conservatives-for-common-core-v-rich-girard/

Petrilli’s interview draws data rebuttal from national data expert: http://www.girardatlarge.com/2013/07/common-core-update/

Dr. Sandra Stotsky, recognized as the architect of Massacusetts’ “best in the nation” standards and achievement records, refused to validate CC’s standards, despite being paid to do so: http://www.girardatlarge.com/2013/08/common-core-curriculum-standards-debunked/

Richard Innes, the nationally recognized data expert who says Kentucky’s been there and done that and dumped it. http://www.girardatlarge.com/2013/08/kentuckys-common-core-data-a-warning-to-the-nation/

Erin Tuttle, an Indiana mom who said she got involved because of a radical shift in what her kids were doing in school before and after the implementation of Common Core. As a result of her efforts, Indiana has stopped the implementation of Common Core and engaged a full blown study of the standards before proceeding further. http://www.girardatlarge.com/2013/08/interview-indiana-mom-put-a-stop-to-common-core/

Dr. Neal McCluskey, a former English teacher and Associate Director of the Cato Institutes Center for Education Research, talks about the evolution of National Standards and opens the discussion on the personal data that is and will be collected and how Common Core is involved. http://www.girardatlarge.com/2013/08/dc-expert-talks-common-core/

Jonathan Butcher of the Education Director of the Goldwater Institute discusses the efficacy of national standards and offers alternatives he’s proposed that other states have implemented that go a long way toward attacking the core of the problem. Tom Brennan agreed with and challenged him on various points. It was a dynamic give and take. Both agree, the discussion’s missing the mark. http://www.girardatlarge.com/2013/08/former-superintendent-tom-brennan-conservative-on-common-core/