To the Editor,

The caption by Dr. Sam Taylor read, “…Ozark has officially been accepted into the IB program and will become a fully-authorized school.”

What our school principal did not say is, “…any school willing to pay the exorbitant fees to the Switzerland based corporation can become a fully-authorized IB school.” If you pay, you play.

The sense of accomplishment is a hoax, no different from the process by which the Ozark School District was led into becoming a U.N. partnered, IB school.

IB schools are required to teach and reinforce the doctrine of international socialism in each and every subject offered to its participants. It is this requirement that makes IB an indoctrination program and not an educational program, as our misleaders would have us believe.

In the very same week that Ozark became an IB school, the state of New Hampshire approved a bill allowing parents to pull their children from any school using the International Baccalaureate program and it also established a committee to study that same IB program.

You see, the facade is coming off of this U.N. educational system being implemented by those of the political left.

Sadly, our incompetent school board, with a wink and a nod from our high school principal and superintendent, implemented this foreign program without a word of input being entertained from the public —before— it voted to pursue the IB program. Each and every meeting was closed. Each and every participant of those meetings was a subordinate to, and chosen by, the principal and superintendent. And, all of this was accomplished ignoring the advice and recommendations of the IB program, which is why I used the word incompetent.

This is a very sad commentary on what should be an inclusive and congenial small community.

Bernie Kennetz

This letter was originally printed in the Ozark Headliner: