Activism Evidence
Here is a photo that brags about using the attitudes and content of the IB program.. including how to think and encouragement to ‘take action’ on certain issues of a political nature.
The caption on the photo was: “Attitudes are being used when discussing characters in stories, and how we can become better citizens. The newspaper article is about students who took action!”
Can you see what the article was about? What ‘issue’ was the student ‘taking action’ upon?
I’m trying to find the commitment to academics with this project.
I can only see that teaching the kids to re-evaluate their ‘attitudes’, a very popular term used in IB curriculum, suggests to the kids that resisting authority is a worthwhile exercise. Within the IB mindset, their curriculum framework instructs the teachers – ‘facilitators’ to allow the children to question the facts and values that they have already learned as true and good at home. This just leads to confusion and I have seen studies that actually make children want to resist at home. I wouldn’t want my child to have a ‘bad attitude’, but I would not want them to be taught to question what they already know in their heart as right and true. Like faith and our freedom.
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