UN Trains Youth Activists in Social Justice and Global Governance
At the “Youth Assembly” (3-4 September), a forum leading up to the CIVICUS World Assembly, young activists, engaged in social and civic justice from across the globe, came to
gether to share their views on a new “social contract.”

Similarly to the World Assembly, the Youth Assembly was structured around three tracks: (1) Changing Nations through Citizens, (2) Building Partnerships for Social Innovation, and (3) Redefining Global Governance.

The above is nothing more than a way to lure your children into the idea that we need to become subjects of ‘global governance’ in direct conflict with our US constitutional republic and a danger to the national sovereignty of individual nations.

Further evidence that the UN sees itself as the all-encompassing determiner of your ‘rights’ is the recent statement by the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations: “Free speech is a “gift given to us by the [Universal] Declaration of Human Rights,” said Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Jan Eliasson during a press conference on October 2nd at UN headquarters in New York. It is “a privilege,” Eliasson said, “that we have, which in my view involves also the need for respect, the need to avoid provocations.”

The problem once again is, “Under Deputy Secretary General Eliasson’s logic, the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which gave us the “gift” of free speech, can be modified or interpreted in such a way that would restrict its use if people were deemed too provocative or irresponsible in what they express.”

Please be reminded that as is the mark of most totalitarian regimes, the UN reserves the right to deprive you of what they gave you as a ‘privilege’ per Article 29 (3) which reads: “These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

Thus what the UN giveth, the UN may taketh away.

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